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Victoria BC Community Blog

A Guide To Winter Planting

Frosted yellow flower

Winter has already descended upon us, and with that comes one of the most difficult times of the year for keen gardeners. The frost, snow, and shorter days all combine to make planting and growing a daunting task. The key to a successful winter garden is to plan and prepare properly — but it’s still not too late to make the most of your garden this winter if you haven’t.

We’re going to look at some of the ways you can help cultivate a year-round garden that thrives in winter, how to make the most of the winter period to lay the foundation for the next planting season, and some of the best plants and vegetables to plant next year for a bountiful winter harvest. 

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The Importance Of Listing Photos - Why A Listing Needs Good Photos

Do listing photos matter? When it comes to selling your property the answer is a resounding yes. In the past one of the biggest selling points of any property was its curb appeal, because of that first impression made when a prospective buyer would view a property. Nowadays, that first viewing doesn’t come when the buyer approaches the physical property — it happens when they view a listing online.

We’ve seen this replicated in numerous studies of the property market which show that listings with professional quality listing photos sell faster, and often for higher sums, than those without. With studies showing that professional photography can cause a listing to sell around 50% faster. And as prospective buyers put more and more stock into their online property searches, it’s reasonable to expect this to continue.

Why is this the case? Read on to find out, and to gain a better understanding of just how and why you can use professional-quality listing photos to your advantage. 

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2019 Halloween Events in Victoria

A cupcake styled in the shape of a googly-eyed ghost, with two smiling pumpkin-shaped cupcakes behind it.

Ready for another year of tricks and treats in Victoria? Check out local kids activities, ghost tours, haunted houses, bonfires, theatre shows, quiz nights, and other events taking place during the season of the pumpkin. Share your spooky experiences with us! 

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How To Stage Your Home For Success - 8 Aspects To Consider

Staged Living Room

‘All The World’s A Stage’ — and your home should be the grandest of them all, especially if your audience is prospective buyers. Staging is vitally important because those in-person impressions will be what ultimately sways a buyer. Your home may look good in photos, and sound good on paper, but if the reality doesn’t match up with expectations buyers may very well look elsewhere.

Imagine a job interview: you dress to impress, you prepare the right answers, and you go out of your way to win over your hopeful future employers. Think of staging as preparing your home for its very own job interview! With that in mind, here are our top tips for how you can stage your home and win over prospective buyers. 

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Tips On Making Your Home More Accessible

Whether you need to make sure you’re living in a home that can meet your mobility requirements or you’re looking to make sure your home is well-suited to your needs as you approach retirement—accessibility is going to be your number one concern. This applies to both those who are looking for a new place to live and those that want to make their current home more accessible.

To help you on both these fronts, we’re taking a look at some of the key accessibility concerns you need to look out for when looking for a new home as well as some of the things you can do right now to make your own home more accessible. 

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Celebrate Canada Day And The Summer In Victoria

Empress Hotel

There is nothing quite like the splendour and joy of a Victoria summer, in which the sparkling harbour comes to life with festivals, entertainment, and celebrations aplenty. As always the centrepiece of the Victoria summer is Canada day—where we can all get together and celebrate the diversity, spirit, and history that make us proud to be Canadian. 

Once again, the fine people of Victoria have put together a full package of events for the special day. Along with an eclectic and exciting mix of live music, entertainment and activities, we’ll also be taking up the challenge of the Coast Capital Living Flag event—last year saw 3,600 participants taking part to form the ‘Largest Living Flag In The Country’. Of course, the fun doesn’t stop there, there’s plenty happening throughout July and August to keep residents and visitors occupied, and we’ve compiled a list of some of the highlights. 

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Must See Markets In Victoria Happening This Summer

Market with vegetable stalls

Now that we’re in the throes of summer, it’s the ideal time to visit one of Victoria’s many wonderful markets. With a reputation that stretches far beyond the borders of the Island, they attract local residents and tourists from far and wide with their enticing selection of fresh produce, artisanal treats, and handmade crafted delights. 

Whether you’re interested in something with a little more quality and provenance, trying a bit of local flavour, or you simply want to step out into the summer air and soak in the sights and sounds - we’ve rounded up all the can’t-miss markets happening this summer in Victoria. 

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How To Make Your Home Appealing By Cleaning And Decluttering

When it comes to selling your home, having a clean and tidy space can really make all the difference. Selling is all about making a positive impression, and whether consciously or unconsciously, an untidy or cluttered property may influence buyers negatively. It doesn’t take much, often it’s just a few small things and a matter of being thorough with your cleaning, and you’ll have your home dressed to impress. Below we’ve offered our own handy guide to the steps you should be taking in order to clean and declutter your home.  

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4 Ways Gardening & Landscaping Can Improve Your Home

Hummingbird and red flower

As spring comes into full bloom, and we start to look ahead to those glorious summer days of picnics and barbecues, there is no better time to get out into your garden and get in touch with nature than in your own backyard.

Gardening and landscaping aren’t just for the green-thumbed experts, it’s a great way for anyone to make their home a brighter, cleaner, and friendlier place. And to have some fun in the process!

We’re going to share 4 ways and reasons in which we believe gardening and landscaping can improve your home.


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Tips For First Time Home Sellers in BC

Image by Merio from Pixabay

Homeowners typically don't think about being a first-time home seller until they decide to buy a new home. Whe the need to move arises because of work, a growing family, or other situations, most of the focus is usually on buying a new house.

But when you stop to think about it, as soon as you need to sell in order to buy a new home, you've become a first-time home seller. Plus, most first-time homeowners don't realize how different selling a home is from buying a home. The process can be daunting and complicated, especially if you don't have a real estate agent on board right from the start.

To help you get a better idea of what to expect, and as a partner to our first-time home buyers guide, we've collected a series of steps and tips that will hopefully make the process of selling your home a little easier.

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