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Victoria BC Community Blog

Home Staging 101: Preparing Your Property for Sale Tag: first time homesellers

Property staging can encompass a wide range of changes, from smaller cosmetic fixes to larger renovations, but the goal is always the same: to make sure a property is as visually appealing and inviting to prospective buyers as possible, whether they are looking at it online or in person. It’s a common practice, but not one that is always utilized to its full potential, so here are some things to keep in mind.

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Home Improvement Projects to Increase Property Value Tag: first time homesellers

When it comes to adding value to your home and making it a more appealing proposition for potential buyers, you don’t have to break the bank or bring in a professional to do major renovations. There are a variety of DIY projects you can undertake that will help add value to your home, and here are some of our favourites.

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The Home Selling Journey Tag: first time homesellers

house with sold sign

Everyone dreams of that first step on the property ladder—and with good reason, your first house will live long in your memory. However that first step is rarely the final one, and in order to fulfill your property dreams, and potentially find that forever home, selling that first property will be just as important as buying it. Getting the most value for your first sale will improve the options available to you as well as helping to set you up for the long term financially. Here is what to expect as a first time home seller, and how a REALTOR® can help.  

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DIY Home Improvement Projects for Your Home Tag: first time homesellers

Tidy Living Room

Spring is the perfect time of year for change and making improvements to your home — something that is especially important if you have plans to move. Making the most of this valuable asset is the best way to ensure you get the best returns and are able to move into your next dream home with ease. 

While there are extensive (and expensive) renovations that you can undertake, there are also a number of simple smaller changes that will make a tremendous difference to your property. We’ve recently talked about exterior changes in the form of curb appeal, and now we’re going to look at some of the interior changes where you can Do It Yourself. 

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4 Ways to Increase Your Home Value with Curb Appeal Tag: first time homesellers

House with curb appeal

First impressions count, especially if you are looking to sell your home. We know buyers are guided by emotions, and so much of this can be influenced by what they see before they’ve even stepped foot in your property. Because the exterior of your property is the first thing anyone will notice about your home, it’s important to take the time to showcase your property in the best light! 

But curb appeal isn’t just about selling your property — it’s a long term investment that can make a property a more enjoyable place to live, as well as raising the value and appeal of your neighbourhood. It can also often be an inexpensive and relatively simple cosmetic makeover that still has a marked effect on the look and feel of a property, ensuring you create a meaningful and lasting first impression on visitors and prospective buyers. 

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Should You Get a Condo or a House? Tag: first time homesellers

condos on the waterfront

When it comes to making a choice about which is the right property for you there are so many criteria to consider and options available, that even the simplest starting points can seem daunting. But it’s important to have a clear idea of what you’re searching for before you start looking. If you’re just scanning every available property you’ll waste not only time, but you’re unlikely to find the one you want!

There are a number of choices that can help you narrow down your search, and one of the biggest is whether you’re looking to purchase a condo or a house. In this post we’ll cover some of the key differences between the two, and how you can go about figuring out if you should buy a condo or a house for your next move. 

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Why Your Home Needs to be Staged When Selling Tag: first time homesellers

White living room staged

Selling your property and getting the best return possible is all about appealing to prospective buyers. And a big part of that appeal comes from how you present your home; it’s about showcasing its potential and qualities in the best light possible, ensuring you make the right impression. 

This is where staging comes in. Professional staging will usually involve arranging furniture, decorations, and other design elements in a way that is designed to appeal to prospective buyers. Professional staging is an expense, albeit one that will often pay off in terms of increasing the sale value of your home. 

However depending on the budget, and your aims and expectations, it may be beneficial to either go the professional route, or to take a more hands on DIY approach. But no matter how you go about it, there are a wide range of benefits when it comes to staging your home for sale, which we’re going to take a look at now. 

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How To Price Your Home And Deal With Multiple Offers Tag: first time homesellers

House Price

Pricing your home to sell is an essential part of budgeting and planning for your next move, and there are several factors that go into the final number. For homeowners it can sometimes be a little difficult to parse the number they’re offered by appraisers and real estate experts, but with a little research and understanding, you can have a better idea of what the market value range for your home truly is. 

Something that’s unique to BC homeowners is the BC assessment, which provides an estimated value for your home. In this blog we are going to to explain a little more about that, and its limitations, as well as providing you with advice on how to understand the true market value for your home, and what to do afterwards should you receive multiple offers.

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Should You Renovate Before Selling? Tag: first time homesellers

One of the trickiest propositions for anyone selling their home is that of deciding exactly how much work, if any, they should put into renovating the property before selling. Renovations are often costly, both in terms of time and money, and therefore there is a definite risk/reward element to any considerations. 

On top of this, even minor cosmetic changes need to be thought of with the broadest audience in mind, something that’s a much more fraught process than just accounting for your own individual taste! 

Luckily, you don’t have to make that decision alone, we’re here to lend you our expert opinion with this guide on whether or not you should be renovating your property before selling, and which renovations would better serve your interests. 

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Home Makeover: Social Distancing Edition Tag: first time homesellers

living room with grey couch and yellow chairs

We’re all spending a lot more time in our homes these days, meaning it’s never been more important to make sure you’ve got your home environment just right for you.

In lieu of being able to do any more involved changes that involve builders and tradesmen and lots of supplies, we’re going to take a look at some of the ways you can give your home a makeover while physical distancing measures are in place. Implement these for you personally to enjoy, or as a precursor to setting up to sell. 

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