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Victoria BC Community Blog

2020 Halloween Events in Victoria

Every year we have a community blog post with events and activities happening around Victoria for Halloween. COVID-19 has severely impacted these, however there are still a few events and activities that can be enjoyed this month during the season of the pumpkin. Share your spooky experiences with us! 

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A Guide To Your Property Taxes

Single house with dark blue roof and two garages

Even in these uncertain times there remains, as the famous aphorism goes, only two certainties; death and taxes. Today, thankfully, we’re going to be looking at the latter!

Now that the dust has settled on your 2020 taxes, it’s somehow already time to start looking to 2021. We couldn’t possibly cover everything you need to know about taxes in one blog, but we are going to cover some of the things that can help make paying your taxes easier, as well as the various tax relief programs you could be eligible for.

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Tips For Moving Your Family To A New Neighbourhood

Little girl blowing bubbles

Moving into a new neighbourhood is never easy, even at the best of times, and for children, this is doubly true. With that in mind, it’s important for families to plan and prepare themselves, doing everything they can to make this move as stress-free and easy to handle as possible. 

The first step is often timing - no one wants to move in the middle of a school year, which means that many families are undoubtedly preparing for that big move right now.  

If that includes you, here are some of the most important things you need to keep in mind when moving before school begins. 

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Why You Should Invest in a Short-Term Rental in Victoria

Seaplane on Victoria Harbour

In the wake of Covid-19 many investors were left wondering about the future of the short-term rental market, with expected downturns as people isolated at home. However, that prognosis is slowly shifting.

As domestic tourism is set to become even more popular, the short-term rental market is set to bounce back in a big way. With that in mind, here’s a guide to what you need to know about short-term rental investment in Victoria.

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Navigating A Re-Opening Victoria

Full breakfast table

It’s been a long slow journey, but in BC at least, we are finally starting to see a cautious reopening of the world around us. This means greater freedom to get outside, to use local businesses, and to travel further distances - but all of course while observing safe distancing and hygiene practices.

With Phase 2 of BC’s response to the Covid-19 crisis having progressed smoothly, we will soon enter Phase 3, which means looser restrictions on travel and movement - according to BC Premier John Horgan. During this phase, we will all be able to expand our ‘bubbles’, multiplying the circle of friends and family we can gather with.

To celebrate this, we’re going to look at what this means for you, and us, as well as spotlighting some of our favourite businesses and local gathering spots where you can meet other members of your bubble. 

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Home Makeover: Social Distancing Edition

living room with grey couch and yellow chairs

We’re all spending a lot more time in our homes these days, meaning it’s never been more important to make sure you’ve got your home environment just right for you.

In lieu of being able to do any more involved changes that involve builders and tradesmen and lots of supplies, we’re going to take a look at some of the ways you can give your home a makeover while physical distancing measures are in place. Implement these for you personally to enjoy, or as a precursor to setting up to sell. 

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New To Homeschooling? Try Our Essential Tips For Parents

Close up of little girl writing on table

Homeschooling is never as easy as it looks—something that millions of parents across Canada have been discovering.

Trying to balance the task of managing your child’s education and your own life can be difficult, but thankfully there is a wealth of information, resources, and support out there to help you.

This guide will look at some of those resources, as well as offering some helpful tips on how to make your homeschooling adventure an enjoyable one for you and your children. 

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A Guide To Wills, Estate Planning, And How To Pass On Your Property

Large residential home

Planning for what will happen to your assets after you’ve passed is a difficult subject—and one we can understand people being reluctant to approach—but it is very necessary. And once you’re done, you’ll be able to relax knowing everything has been taken care of!

Wills and estate planning are also daunting legal prospects, which is why we’ve prepared this comprehensive guide. 

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2020 Family Day Activities in Victoria

Young girls participate in Family Day colouring acitivities at the  Minneapolis Institute of Art. Photo credit:  @MinneapolisInstituteofArts on Flickr.

Family Day is coming up quick, so start planning those family activities!

Whether your children are teens or little ones, there's a wide variety of free and paid events around Greater Victoria for your family to take part in. Give a few a try! Here are a few events happening on Family Day Long Weekend:

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Your BC Property Assessment Explained: What Is It, What Does It Mean, and What Are The Tax Implications

Houses in suburbs

As it’s January, it’s once again time for property owners in BC to receive their annual property assessment from BC Assessment. Even if you aren’t planning on buying or selling immediately these are important documents. And you should take the time to understand what they mean for you. Here’s our primer on what you need to know about your BC Assessment. 

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