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How To Be Earthquake Prepared: Tips To Keep Your Family and Home Safe Tag: emergencies

Earthquake Ready Sign

When it comes to living in an area that is at risk from earthquakes—as Victoria is—it’s important to ensure you’re prepared and aware of the measures you may need to take in the event of an emergency. 

According to seismic experts, there is a 32% probability of a damaging earthquake occurring in our region in the next 50 years, with many other smaller ones occurring often, so so it’s a good idea to have a plan for what steps to take before, during, and after an earthquake. Here’s our guide to the best safety and preparation advice for earthquake preparedness. 

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Home Emergency Preparedness Tag: emergencies

Ocean waves crashing high onto a breakwater in a Victoria neighbourhood on a cloudy, stormy day.

This year we've already seen an incredible amount of rainfall in Victoria BC, thanks in part to Hurricane Matthew. Some areas in Sooke even received instructions and supplies for sandbagging their homes against potential floods. When facing conditions like this, it's easy to see that sometimes winterizing your home isn't enough on its own.

How can you ensure the safety of your home and family when mother nature is at its worst? We can't prevent every disaster, but there are things you can do when looking for a new home, or as a home owner readying for the winter, to better your chances.

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