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Victoria BC Community Blog

Last Time Home Buyers - Things to Consider Tag: Wills

There is plenty of information and focus on First Time Home Buyers, understandably so as it is a big milestone and achievement in someone’s life. But something that doesn’t get spoken about too often is the idea of a Last Time Home Buyer. 

Of course you don’t always know for sure when your last home will be purchased, however there are some life decisions and stages that can make the distinction clear. 

Usually, a last time home buyer will be in their golden years of life, and will have to make decisions about downsizing, renting out a house, who will get the house in the will, or even how and when to move into an assisted living or retirement community. All these decisions are big and daunting, but here are a few things to consider. 

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A Guide To Wills, Estate Planning, And How To Pass On Your Property Tag: Wills

Large residential home

Planning for what will happen to your assets after you’ve passed is a difficult subject—and one we can understand people being reluctant to approach—but it is very necessary. And once you’re done, you’ll be able to relax knowing everything has been taken care of!

Wills and estate planning are also daunting legal prospects, which is why we’ve prepared this comprehensive guide. 

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